This procedure has a pronounced cosmetological effect. Due to the fact that there is an outflow of venous blood and lymph, the appearance of the skin is noticeably improved. Edema is significantly reduced or completely disappears. Blood circulation is normalized, subcutaneous structures are tightened, oxygen is more easily perceived: the face becomes young, radiant, healthy. Due to the increased drainage of lymph, after just a couple of procedures, excess intercellular fluid leaves the problem areas, which immediately leads to a decrease in the severity of stagnation.
Stimulation of trophic processes leads to the synthesis of young elements of the intercellular substance, which improves the viscoelastic properties of the subcutaneous structures, increases its turgor and elasticity - the severity of nasolabial folds decreases, mimic wrinkles are smoothed, and deep wrinkles become less noticeable. Circles under the eyes completely disappear, a healthy and attractive glow reappears on the skin.