Varna +359 89 93 09 882 | Burgas +359 89 78 55 307
The thermal effect on the points is similar to acupuncture - it activates the flow of blood and Qi energy along the meridian, improves the blood supply to organs and joints, fills the entire body with heat. This method removes the accumulation of moisture and wind from the body. Cigar smoke has a beneficial effect, as wormwood has a disinfecting, soothing and relaxing effect. Do not be afraid of painful feelings, the skin is reliably protected from smoldering particles. This is a non-contact method of treatment, although the Chinese themselves prefer to be treated by burning points on the body with the tip of a cigar.
The effect of heat on the joints during escalation of rheumatic diseases, arthritis, arthrosis at the inner deep level revitalizes tissues, cartilage and bones. The heat goes deep into the joint, bringing relief. And again, this effect can only be achieved with the help of moxibustion.
The principle of moxibustion is as follows: We expel cold, moisture, and with them disease. We return fire, warmth, and with them health.
Varna, str. Ivan Drasov 21
+359 89 93 09 882
052 60 40 31
Burgas, st. Ohrid 4
+359 89 78 55 307
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