Pills "Vitavaz"

52 BGN

Pills "Vitavaz"

The Lee West company presents a new and highly effective remedy capable of restoring, improving the natural quality of blood and replenishing blood deficiencies. It is most effective in forms associated with various difficulties in general circulation. Improves blood flow, removes stagnation. It actively affects the blood if the blood becomes very viscous and loses its fluidity function.


Dietary supplements, which include the Chinese Vitavaz pills, are a source of tannins, flavonoids and glycyrrhizic acid. Like all Lee West products, the pills are completely natural. According to traditional Chinese medicine, pills move Qi, improve blood flow, relieve pain, and eliminate congestion.


They activate blood circulation, improve microcirculation in organs and tissues, eliminate blood stasis, improve the rheological properties of blood, normalize the elasticity of the vascular walls, improve the nutrition of the heart muscle, have a nonspecific immunomodulatory effect, and calm the nervous system.


safflower, peach seed kernels
roots: remania glutinous, angelica chinese, strawberry two-toothed, large-flowered bellflower, red peony, Chinese bullock and common licorice; fruits of orange, rhizome of ligusticum, honey.


Chest pain, blood congestion, lack of blood, pain in the heart area, chronic drowsiness, palpitations, insomnia, a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, irritability, congestion in the sides, joint pain due to congestive processes, stabbing headaches.
How to use the pills: for adults, take 2-4 g orally (1/2 or the whole contents of the dispenser cap) 2 times a day with meals with a glass of water.

Form of release of pills: pills weighing 15 mg, in vials of 60 g with a dosing cap
Implementation: Lee West company
Production: China

You can order drugs by leaving a request on the website or by phone: 052-60-40-31
On the same day, subject to the availability of drugs, you will be sent a cash on delivery parcel by Econt or Speedi mail.

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